Notation Census Bibliography
Book Title: Basisboek wiskunde, Tweede editie/2nd edition.
- Author: Jan van de Craats
- Language: Dutch
- Published by Pearson Education Benelux bv
- Printed and published in Netherlands
- Year: 2009
- ISBN: 978-90-430-1673-5
- See also
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Recommended by Josje Lodder
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Book Title: Continue wiskunde.
- Author: J.S. Lodder
- Language: Dutch
- Publisher: Open Universiteit Nederland, Faculteit Informatica
- Year: 2006
- Edition: 3
- ISBN: 90 358 2335 4, 90 358 2327 3
- See also:
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Book Title: Relaties en Structuren (Textbook for the eponymous class at the Sciences faculty of University of Ghent).
- By Prof. Dr. Frank De Clerck
- Language: Dutch
- Publisher: University of Ghent
- Year: 2009
Book Title: Inzien en bewijzen.
- By J. van Eijck and A. Visser
- Language: Dutch
- Publisher: Amsterdam university press
- Year: 2005
- Printed and published in Netherlands
- ISBN: 978 90 5356 749 4
- See also
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Book Title: In de ban van wiskunde: het cultuurverschijnsel mathematica in beschaving, kunst, natuur en leven.
- By Rik Verhulst
- Language: Dutch
- Publisher: Garant
- Year: 2006
- ISBN: 9044119893, 9789044119893
- See also
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Book Title: Inleiding tot differentiaalvergelijkingen: met economische en technologische toepassingen.
- Author: Ann De Schepper
- Language: Dutch
- Publisher: Garant, 2001
- ISBN: 9044111914, 9789044111910
- See also
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Book Title: MAOL-taulukot.
- Authors: Raimo Seppänen, Martti Kervinen, Irma Parkkila, Lea Karkela, Pekka Meriläinen
- Language: Finnish
- Publisher: Otava K50
- Year: 2005
- ISBN: 951-1-16053-2
- See also
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Recommended by Thumas Miilumäki
Book Title: Euclid's Elements/edited and provided with a modern English translation.
- Authors: Richard Fitzpatrick
- Language: Greek
- Publisher:
- Year: 2007
- ISBN: 0615179843, 9780615179841
- See also
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Book Title: Matematika 8 - Jól felkészültem-e
- Authors: Mike János, Duró Lajosné, Scharnitzky Viktor
- Language: Hungarian
- Publisher: Mozaik Oktatàsi Stúdio - Szeged, 1993
- Year: 1993
- See publisher's page
- Introduced by Paul Libbrecht from a scan in the secondary school of Badacsonyi in October 2010.
Book Title: Matemática discreta.
- Authors: Francesc Comellas Padró, Josep Fabregas Canudas and Ana Sànchez Lladó
- Language: Spanish
- Publisher: Edicions UPC SL
- Year: September 18, 2009
- ISBN-10: 8483014564
- ISBN-13: 978-8483014561
- See also
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Recommended by Angel Garcia Olaya
Book Title: Matematicas para las ciencias aplicadas/ Mathematics for Applied Science.
- By Erich Steiner
- Language: Spanish
- ISBN-10: 8429151591
- ISBN-13: 978-8429151596
- Printed and Published in Spain.
- Published by Oxford University Press Inc, New York, USA.
- See also
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Book Title: Algoritmos fundamentales.
- By D. E. Knuth
- Language: Spanish
- Publisher: Editorial Reverté
- Year: February 20, 2009
- ISBN-10: 8429126627
- ISBN-13: 978-8429126624
- Legal Deposit SE-1227-2002
- See also
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Book Title: Análisis matematico, Segunda edicion
- By T. M. Apostol
- Language: Spanish
- Publisher: Barcelona, Editorial Reverte?
- Year: 1977
- ISBN: 8429150048
- See also
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Book Title: Problemas de teoría de circuitos
- By Josep Prades Nebot
- Language: Spanish
- Publisher: Valencia ; Espaa? : Editorial de la Universidad Politc?nica de Valencia
- Year: 2002
- ISBN: 8497052900
- See also
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Book Title: Principios de electricidad y electrónica. Tomo III.
- By Antonio Hermosa
- Language: Spanish
- Publisher: Marcombo, S.A.
- Year: February 9, 2009
- ISBN-10: 8426713335
- ISBN-13: 978-8426713339
- See also
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Book Title: Matemática discreta y sus aplicaciones.
- Author: Kenneth H. Rosen
- Language: Spanish
- Publisher: McGraw-Hill/Interamericana de España
- Year: 2010
- Edition: 5
- ISBN: 978-84-481-4073-1
- See also:
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Recommended by Pedro José Hernando Oter
Book Title: Cálculo infinitesimal de una variable.
- Author: Juan de Burgos
- Language: Spanish
- Publisher: McGraw-Hill/Interamericana de España
- Year: 2007
- Edition: 2
- ISBN: 844815634X
- See also:
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Recommended by Pedro José Hernando Oter
Book Title: Algebra lineal y geometría cartesiana.
- Author: Juan de Burgos
- Language: Spanish
- Publisher: McGraw-Hill/Interamericana de España
- Year: 2006
- Edition: 3
- ISBN: 8448149009
- See also:
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Recommended by Pedro José Hernando Oter
Book Title: Cálculo infinitesimal de varias variables.
- Author: Juan de Burgos
- Language: Spanish
- Publisher: McGraw-Hill/Interamericana de España
- Year: 2008
- Edition: 2
- ISBN: 8448161084
- See also:
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Recommended by Pedro José Hernando Oter
Book Title: Cálculo infinitesimal de varias variables.
- Author: David Poole
- Language: Spanish
- Publisher: Paraninfo Thomson Learning
- Year: 2003
- Edition: 1
- ISBN: 970-686-272-2
- See also:
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Recommended by Pedro José Hernando Oter
Book Title: Algebra Lineal.
- Author: Stanley I. Grossman
- Language: Spanish
- Publisher: McGraw-Hill/Interamericana de España
- Year: 2008
- Edition: 6
- ISBN: 9701065174
- See also:
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Recommended by Pedro José Hernando Oter
Book Title: الرياضيات والإحصاء الجزء الثانى (Mathematics and Statistics, the second part)
- Authors Mr. Ibrahim Hussein Al-Qattan, Dr. Mamdouh Mohamed Suleiman, Dr. Chafika Abdul Hameed Al-Awadi, Dr. Imad El-Din Ali Ahmed, Mr. Elham Afifi Ali, Mr. Mahmoud Abdul-Ghani Mohammed, Mr. Nagwa Mohamed Abdel Razek.
- Language: Arabic
- Published by the Ministry of Education of Kuwait
- publishing location, Kuwait in 2007 - 2008.
- Deposited with the Office of the Ministry under No. 247 On 17-12-2007
- Printing presses in Al-Khat
- See also
Kuwait high school book
Book Title: الرياضيات (Mathematics)
- Authors: Dr. Salman Abdul-Rahman Salman, Dr. Abdullah Mohamed Al-Rashed, and et all.
- Language: Arabic
- Published by the Ministry of Education of Saudi Arabia.
- location: RIYADH
- Year: 2006 - 2007.
- See also
Download and see: Saudi high school book
Book Title: الرياضيات للصف الأول المتوسط (Mathematics for grade VII)
- Authors: Mr. Ali bin Abdullah Ghaleb, Dr. Salem A. Sahab. Mr. Mohammed bin Abdullah Albesas, and et all.
- Language: Arabic
- Published by the Ministry of Education of Saudi Arabia.
- location: RIYADH
- Year: 2007 - 2008.
- Deposit number: 4150/81
- ISBN: 9960-19-027-7
- See also
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Book Title: :الرياضيات للصف الخامس الإبتدائى (Mathematics for grade V)
- Authors: Mrs. Jawahar Mohammad Mahdi, Mrs. Amal Mohamed Bukhari and et all.
- Language: Arabic
- Published by the Ministry of Education of Saudi Arabia.
- location: RIYADH
- Year: 2007 - 2008.
- Deposit number: 1425/1609
- ISBN: 9960-09-861-3
- See also
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Book Title: الرياضيات للصف الثالث المتوسط (Mathematics for the ninth grade)
- Authors: Mr. Ali bin Abdullah Ghaleb, Dr. Salem A. Sahab. Mr. Mohammed bin Abdullah Albesas, and et all.
- Language: Arabic
- Published by the Ministry of Education of Saudi Arabia.
- location: RIYADH
- Year: 2006 - 2007.
- See also
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Book Title: الرياضيات للصف الرابع (Mathematics for grade IV)
- Authors: Dr. Abdel-Fattah Al-Sharqawi, Dr. Mosa Eid Shebbak, and et all.
- Language: Arabic
- Published by the Ministry of Education of Kuwait (the fifth edition).
- Year: 2005 - 2006.
- See also
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Book Title: المعاصر في الجبر، للصف الثاني الثانوي، المرحلة الأول للثانوي العام رياضيات ا (Contemporaneous in Algebra for grade II).
- Authors: Aziz Isaac Sergius and Hussein Jawys (عزيز أسحق سرجيوس وحسين جاويش).
- Language: Arabic
- Published by the students library in Fajalah, Egypt (مكتبة الطلبة بالفجالة، مصر).
- ISIN: 4-15-5021-977
- Recommended by Prof. Azzeddine LAZREK
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Book Title: لرموز العلمية وطريقة أداءها باللغة العربية (Scientific notation and the way they perform in Arabic).
- Authors: Union Councils of scientific Arabic language (اتحاد المجامع اللغوية العلمية العربية).
- Language: Arabic
- Published in Amman, Jordan.
- Year: 1987
- Recommended by Prof. Azzeddine LAZREK
Book Title: : كتاب تحرير أصول أوقليدس (Euclid. Euclid. Kit?b Ta?r?r u??l li-?ql?dis).
- Authors: Khawaja Nasir al-Din al-Tusi (الخواجه نصير الدين الطوسي).
- Language: Arabic
- Printed in Rome, In Typographia Medicea 56-1235 F, and published by Sultan Murad III
- Year: 1594
- Bibliographic information in Latin:
Euclidis Elementorum libri tredecim. Ex traditione doctissmi Nasiridini Tusini nunc cum licentia primum arabice impressi. Romae fol. typographia Medicicea. MDXCIV. cum licentia Superiorum. - Find and preview the book in Harvard University Library
Book Title: الرياضيات للصف الأول الثانوى(Mathematics for grade VIII)
- Authors: Dr. Salman Abdul-Rahman Salman, Dr. Abdullah Mohamed Al-Rashed, and et al.
- Language: Arabic
- Published by the Ministry of Education of Saudi Arabia.
- location: RIYADH
- Year: 2007 - 2008.
- ISBN: 9960-19-216-4
- See also
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Book Title: Introduction aux mathématiques discrètes.
- By Matousek, Jiri, Nesetril, Jaroslav
- Translated from English by Delphine Hachez
- Publisher: Springer; 1 edition (July 7, 2004)
- Language: French
- ISBN-10: 228720010X
- ISBN-13: 978-2287200106
- See also
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Book Title: Algorithmes et structures de donnees/Algorithms and data structures.
- Author: P. Breguet
- Publisher: Presses Polytechniques et
- Year: March 13, 2002
- ISBN-10: 2880744881
- ISBN-13: 978-2880744885
- Language: French
- See also
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Book Title: Mathématiques discrètes: Fondements et arithmétique entière.
- Author: Hans-Heinrich Nägeli
- Publisher: PPUR presses polytechniques
- Year: 1998
- ISBN-10: 2880743567
- ISBN-13: 9782880743567
- Language: French
- See also
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Book Title: Journal de mathématiques pures et appliquées.
- Authors: Henri Amé Résal, Camille Jordan, Henri Villat
- Editors: Joseph Liouville, Henri Amé Résal, Camille Jordan, Henri Villat
- Publisher: Gauthier-Villars, 1851
- Original from the University of Michigan
- Digitized: Oct 30, 2007
- Language: French
- See also
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Book Title: Algèbre et analyse Cours de mathématiques de première année avec exercices corrigés
- Authors: Stéphane Balac, Frédéric Sturm
- Editors: PPUR presses polytechniques
- Year: 2003
- Publisher: Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes
- Language: French
- See also
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Book Title: Analysis 1, Differential-und Integralrechnung einer Veränderlichen (Analysis 1, differential and integral calculus of one variable, eighth edition)
- Authors: Prof. Dr. Otto Forster, Munich university.
- Publisher: Braunschweig u.a. Vieweg 2006
- Language: German
- Series: Grundkurs Mathematik
- Edition/Format: Book : German : 8., verb. Aufl
- ISBN 3-8348-0088-0
- See also
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Book Title: Einführung in die Kombinatorik.
- By Konrad Jacobs and Dieter Jungnickel
- Publisher: Walter de Gruyter
- Year: October 2003
- Language: German
- ISBN-10: 3110167271
- ISBN-13: 978-3110167276.
- See also
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Book Title: Diskrete Mathematik: Eine Entdeckungsreise.
- Authors: Jiri Matousek, Jaroslav Nesetril and H. Mielke (Translator)
- Publisher: Springer; 2. Aufl. edition
- Year: October 1, 2007
- Language: German
- ISBN-10: 354030150X
- ISBN-13: 978-3540301509
- See also
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Book Title: Lineare Algebra (de Gruyter Lehrbuch).
- By Hans-Joachim Kowalsky and Gerhard O. Michler.
- Publisher: Walter de Gruyter
- Year. August 2003
- Language: German
- ISBN-10: 3110179636
- ISBN-13: 978-3110179637
- See also
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Book Title: Induktive Statistik/Inductive Statistics
- Authors: Peter von der Lippe
- Publisher: Oldenbourg Wissensch.Vlg (June 30, 2004)
- Language: German
- ISBN-10: 3486200097
- ISBN-13: 978-3486200096
- See also
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Book Title: Das Unendliche: Mathematiker ringen um einen Begriff
- Authors: Rudolf J. Taschner
- Publisher: Springer; 2., verb. Aufl. edition
- Year: September 5, 2005
- Language: German
- ISBN-10: 3540257977
- ISBN-13: 978-3540257974
- See also
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Book Title: Rechenmethoden der Physik: Mathematischer Begleiter zur Experimentalphysik.
- Authors: May-Britt Kallenrode
- Publisher: Springer; 2. Aufl. edition
- Year: March 16, 2005
- Language: German
- ISBN-10: 3540214542
- ISBN-13: 978-3540214540
- See also
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Book Title: Lineare Algebra.
- Authors: Gerd Fischer
- Publisher: Vieweg+Teubner Verlag, 15. Aufl. edition
- Year: 2005
- Language: German
- ISBN-10: 3834800317
- ISBN-13: 9783834800312
- See also
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Book Title: Höhere Mathematik mit Mathematica. 1. Grundlagen, lineare Algebra.
- Authors: Walter Strampp
- Publisher: Vieweg
- Year: 1997
- Language: German
- ISBN-10: 3528067888
- ISBN-13: 9783528067885
- See also
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Book Title: Höhere Mathematik für Ingenieure 1: Analysis, Volume 1.
- Authors: Klemens Burg, Herbert Haf, Friedrich Wille
- Publisher: Vieweg+Teubner Verlag
- Year: 2008
- Edition: 8
- Language: German
- ISBN-10: 3835102559
- ISBN-13: 9783835102552
- See also
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Book Title: Analysis/ 1, Differential- und Integralrechnung einer Vera?nderlichen.
- Author: Otto Forster
- Publisher: Braunschweig : Vieweg
- Year: 2001
- Edition: 6
- Language: German
- ISBN-10: 3528572248
- ISBN-13: 9783528572242
- See also
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Book Title: Lambacher Schweizer - Mathematik für Gymnasien, Volume 5.
- Author: Otto Forster
- Publisher: Klett-Schulbuchverlag
- Year: 2007
- Language: German
- ISBN-10: 3127348878
- ISBN-13: 9783127348873
- See also
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Book Title: Mathematik wirklich verstehen: Eine Einführung in ihre Grundbegriffe und Denkweisen.
- Author: Arnold Kirsch
- Publisher: Aulis-Verl. Deubner
- Year: 2004
- Edition: 4
- Language: German
- ISBN-10: 376141613X
- ISBN-13: 9783761416136
- See also
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Book Title: Zahlentheorie und Arithmetik, Mathematik Primar- Und Sekundarstufe.
- Author: Friedhelm Padberg
- Publisher: Spektrum-Akademischer Vlg
- Year: 1999
- Language: German
- ISBN-10: 3827400805
- ISBN-13: 9783827400802
- See also
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Book Title: Leitfaden Geometrie.
- Authors: Susanne Müller-Philipp, Hans-Joachim Gorski
- Publisher: Vieweg Friedr. + Sohn Ver
- Year: 2004
- Edition: 2
- Language: German
- ISBN-10: 3528131772
- ISBN-13: 9783528131777
- See also
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Book Title: Höhere Mathematik 1: Differential- und Integralrechnung. Vektor- und Matrizenrechnung. Volume 1 of Höhere Mathematik, Kurt Meyberg.
- Authors: Kurt Meyberg, Peter Vachenauer
- Publisher: Springer
- Year: 2001
- Language: German
- Edition: 6, illustrated
- ISBN: 3540418504, 9783540418504
- See also
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Book Title: Mathematisch-strukturelle Grundlagen der Informatik.
- Authors: Hartmut Ehrig, Bernd Mahr, Martin Groae-Rhode
- Edition: 2
- Publisher: Springer
- Year: 2001
- Language: German
- ISBN: 3540419233, 9783540419235
- See also
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Book Title: Discrete Mathematics with Applications.
- By Thomas Koshy
- Publisher: Academic Press
- Year: December 26, 2003
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 0124211801
- ISBN-13: 978-0124211803.
- See also
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Book Title: Precalculus Mathematics, 2nd edition
- Authors: Harley Flanders, Florida Atlantic University and Justic J. Price, Purdue University.
- Saunders College Publishing, Philadelphia, in 1981
- Educational and Professional Publishing. A division of CBS Inc.
- Address Orders to: 383 Madison Ave., New York. NY 10017
- ISBN 03-057723-3
- See also
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Book Title: Handbook of mathematical functions With Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables.
- Authors: M. Abramowitz and I. A. Stegun.
- Issued June 1964
- Tenth Printing, December 1972
- Address Orders to: the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402.
- Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 64-60036.
- See also
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Book Title: A Logical Approach to Discrete Math (Monographs in Computer Science)
- Authors: David Gries and Fred. B. Schneider (Cornell University, USA)
- Publisher: Springer; 1 edition (October 22, 1993)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 0387941150
- ISBN-13: 978-0387941158
- See also
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Book Title: Combinatorics and Graph Theory, 2nd edition
- Authors: John M. Harris, Jeffry L. Hirst and Michael J. Mossinghoff
- Publisher: Springer; 2nd ed. edition (September 19, 2008)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 0387797106
- ISBN-13: 978-0387797106
- See also
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Book Title: Proofs that Really Count: The Art of Combinatorial Proof (Dolciani Mathematical Expositions)
- By Arthur T. Benjamin and Jennifer Quinn.
- Publisher: The Mathematical Association of America
- Printed in United States of America
- Year: August 1, 2003
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 0883853337
- ISBN-13: 978-0883853337
- See also
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Book Title: Algebra the Easy Way
- By Douglas Downing.
- Publisher: Barron's Educational Series; 4 edition
- Year: February 2003
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 0764119729
- ISBN-13: 978-0764119729
- See also
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Book Title: History of Mathematical Notations Vol. I: Notations In Elementary Mathematics.
- By Prof. Dr. Florian Cajori.
- The Open Court publishing Company, Published September 1928.
- Compressed and printed by university of Chicago press , Chicago, Illiois, USA.
- ISBN: 978146709209
- See also
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Book Title: Algebra, an Elementary Textbook for the Higher Classes of Secondary Schools and for Colleges: Volume I (Ams Chelsea Publishing).
- Author: G. Chrystal
- Publisher: American Mathematical Society
- Year: May 17, 1999
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 0821816489
- ISBN-13: 978-0821816486
- See also
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Book Title: Handbook of Engineering Mathematics.
- Author: Wynne Walter E
- Publisher: BiblioLife
- Year: May 20, 2009
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 1110294565
- ISBN-13: 978-1110294565
- See also
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Book Title: Electrical Engineering
- Authors: Ralf Kories and Heinz Schmidt-Walter
- Publisher: Springer; 1 edition
- Year: August 13, 2003
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 354043965X
- ISBN-13: 978-3540439653
- See also
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Book Title: MATLAB 6 for Engineers.
- By Adrian Biran and Moshe Breiner
- Publisher: Prentice Hall
- Year: August 2002
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 0130336319
- ISBN-13: 978-0130336316
- See also
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Book Title: Schaum's Outline of Review of Elementary Mathematics.
- Autours: Barnett Rich and Philip Schmidt
- Publisher: McGraw-Hill; 2 edition
- Year: March 1, 1997
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 0070522790
- ISBN-13: 978-0070522794
- See also
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Book Title: Precalculus.
- By Ron Larson, Robert P. Hostetler, David C. Falvo
- Publisher: Brooks Cole; 7 edition
- Year: January 26, 2006
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 0618643443
- ISBN-13: 978-0618643448
- See also
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Book Title: Mathematical Constants.
- By Steven R. Finch
- Publisher: Cambridge University Press
- Year: August 18, 2003
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 0521818052
- ISBN-13: 978-0521818056
- See also
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Book Title: Calculus with analytic geometry.
- Authors: Murray H. Protter, Philip E. Protter
- Editor: Philip E. Protter
- Edition: 4, illustrated
- Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Publishers, 1988
- Language: English
- ISBN: 0867200936, 9780867200935
- See also
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Book Title: Numerical recipes: the art of scientific computing.
- Author: William H. Press
- Language: English
- Edition: 3, illustrated
- Publisher: Cambridge University Press, 2007
- ISBN: 0521880688, 9780521880688
- See also
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Book Title: CRC concise encyclopedia of mathematics.
- Author: Eric W. Weisstein
- Language: English
- Edition: 2, illustrated
- Publisher CRC Press, 2003
- ISBN: 1584883472, 9781584883470
- See also
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Book Title: Algebra.
- Authors: Saunders Mac Lane, Garrett Birkhoff
- Language: English
- Edition: 3
- Publisher: AMS Bookstore, 1999
- ISBN: 0821816462, 9780821816462
- See also
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Book Title: Statistics: Principles and Methods.
- Authors: Richard A. Johnson, Gouri K. Bhattacharyya
- Language: English
- Edition: 6
- Publisher: John Wiley and Sons
- Year: 2009
- ISBN: 0470409274, 9780470409275
- See also
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Book Title: Mathematics for engineers and scientists.
- Author: Alan Jeffrey
- Language: English
- Edition: 4
- Publisher: Taylor & Francis
- Year: 1989
- ISBN: 0278000835, 9780278000834
- See also
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Book title: 数学 I (Sugaku 1, Mathematics 1)
- Author: Oshima Toshio
- Language: Japanes
- Publisher: Number Research
- Year: 2012
- ISBN: 9784410801020
- Recommended and donated by Masataka Kaneko. Thank you!
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