Greatest Common Divisor Notations
In mathematics, The greatest common divisor of two positive integers \(a\) and \(b\), denoted \(GCD(a,b)\).
- OpenMath's combinat1/gcd
- MathML's gcd element
- MathWorld's Greatest common divisor
- Wikipedia's Greatest common divisor
Observations of GCD
In Saudi math book for grad VII we find in page number 75 the example shows gcd as '?.?.?' for 63 and 42 in Arabic language.
In Bibliography we find in page 191 this book shows the greatest common divisor in English.
As found in Bibliography the German book shows the greatest common divisor in page 307.
In Bibliography the Dutch book shows the greatest common divisor in page 81.
See also the symbol in the Dutch book Basisboek Wiskunde page 21.
Also used is , as seen in Relaties en Structuren (page 48).
In page 271 in the Spanish book represents the greatest common divisor as found in Bibliography.
On page 101 of Intro-math-discrètes, the notation and name of the gcd is described (goto page).
On the Helsinki University of Technology, Department of Mathematics website, we find that they use syt instead of gcd, and it is called 'Suurin yhteinen tekijä' in Finnish context.
Also find syt in wekipedia. Usually at university level notation (a,b) is used for greatest common divisor of numbers a and b instead of letter combination syt. For example see Lecture notes by Pentti Haukkanen at University of Tampere.